Building Your Grove

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For editing world props and grove building.



How to enter or leave your grove.


Grove Commands and Shortcut Keys
Build Tool Keyboard Controls


Build Tool Panel
Manipulating Props
Scenery Browser
Browse Spawnables (Creature Browse)
Grove Tools
Prop Search
Prop Generator
Easy ATS

Spawn Point (Asset and Info Panel) : Placing mobs and NPCs
Path Nodes : Making them walk patrol routes
Spawn Packages


How to enter or leave a grove

In the normal game world, you must be standing near a sanctuary (any will do). Type /grove and then press Enter. You will see new panel with a list of groves that belong to you (just one to begin with). Select the grove by clicking on its list entry, then press Accept.
Use the /grove command near a sanctuary.

Once inside a grove, type /grove again and you will see a new option EXIT GROVE. Choosing this will place your character back at the sanctuary you warped from.
Select EXIT GROVE to return to your sanctuary point.

Everyone starts with one grove, but you may request more.


Grove Commands and Shortcuts

Shortcut: Ctrl+F3
Toggle build mode (with the Build Tool panel) on or off. You must be inside a grove.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F4
Open the Scenery Browser panel.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F5
Open the Grove Tools panel.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F6
Open the Prop Search panel.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F7
Open the Prop Generator panel for specialized props that have additional parameters.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F8
Open the Easy ATS panel.
Open the Browse Spawnables panel.
Toggles highlights of prop collision boundaries. Can be useful to detect invisible props. Red shades will block players. Green shades can be walked across.

Build Tool Controls and Options

These are the list of key combinations that allow you to move or manipulate props while the build tool is open.

WASD Move forward/backward and rotate left/right.
Q, E Strafe left and right.
R, F Move up/down.
PgUp, PgDn, Mouse Wheel Zoom in/out.
NumPad +/- Increase/decrease movement speed when using the movement keys. Note that there is a strange bug with movement. If your character's back is up against a wall or blockable object, the build camera will always move slowly.
Delete Delete all selected objects.
Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y Undo and redo. Warning: not all operations are supported for undo. It is also somewhat common for the undo list to glitch and not do anything. It may help you correct mistakes, but don't rely on it.
X Toggle the Build Tool panel on/off, but stays in build mode. This will also shorten the render distance for certain props while using the camera, which may make it easier to navigate dense areas.
B Toggle terrain tile boundaries on/off. You will see a red border around each tile. Terrain tiles are 1920 units wide.
P Link two selected objects for pathing patrols (blue line). This is the recommended way to link path nodes.
L Link two selected objects (purple line). Not recommended. The behavior of this link type may be changed in the future. Use the above pathing type instead.
U Unlink objects.
V Toggle link line visibility on/off. If there are lots of linked props, hiding them may improve framerates while in build mode.
T Toggle terrain region highlighting. Note: If this is active when you return to normal game locations such as Anglorum or Europe, it will show terrain highlighting there too. To return to normal, you must return to a grove, enter build mode, then switch it back off.
Z Center camera on the player avatar.
C Warp the player to the camera.
Ctrl+L Toggle Locked status for all selected props. This prevents you from selecting props by clicking on them, useful if you keep accidentally selecting and moving something. You must use the Scenery Browser to search for, and select Locked props.
Ctrl+P Copy your coordinate position to the clipboard.
Ctrl+H Toggle hiding of rendered objects.
Ctrl+M Toggle hiding of non-minimap props (props that are not rendered on the minimap). Note: this will also hide the gray manipulation arrows for selected props.
Up Arrow, Down Arrow Move selected props up or down 1 unit for each key press. Hold Ctrl to move 0.2 units instead.

Build Tool

The Build Tool panel.

Command: /tb or /togglebuilding
Shortcut: Ctrl+F3

You must be inside a grove to access this panel. It allows you to place new props into the game world.

In the center of the screen, you will see a glowing white orb. This is your camera position in the game world. Note the red arrow underneath the orb. Although it may be difficult to see at time, it points north. This is helpful since the orb's movement and facing are not reflected on the minimap.
The build camera.

Many keyboard commands are available to move the camera or interact with entities while the tool is open. See the Build Tool Controls for a detailed list.

Enter an asset name into the input box. You can manually type an asset name, or use Prop Search. If typing manually, you may press Ctrl+Space to popup a panel showing the results of a quick search for that name. This may take a moment if the search returns too many names.

Once an asset has been chosen, press Insert. Your cursor will change to the prop you have selected (may take a moment to load). You can then hover your mouse around the visible screen, or use the camera controls to move around. Once a suitable location is chosen, left click to place the prop.

Once a prop has been placed, you may select it by left clicking on it. You can then modify the prop in a few ways.

Build Tool Buttons and Controls:
[G] Click to toggle. When highlighted, movement or rotation operations will snap to a grid.
[F] Click to toggle. When highlighted, props will align to the floor (terrain) rather than sinking or floating.
Dropdown Box: Does nothing. Leave it on Scenery.
[...] This button does nothing.
[Move] This seems to do nothing.


Manipulating Props

Select props by left clicking them. You may select multiple props by holding shift. You may use the Scenery Browser to also select multiple props. Note that Scenery Browser is required to select Locked objects.

A selected prop will have a white box around it, and some gray arrows. Hovering your mouse over these arrows will highlight them blue. Once highlighted, click and drag to move or rotate along that axis.
Control arrows around a prop.

The selected prop will also produce an information panel in the top left of the screen.
The information panel of a selected prop.

Information Panel Details:
ID : All props have a unique ID when placed into the game world. You can use this ID for the advanced /scale command.
Name : User-specifed name of this prop. This currently has no purpose.
Asset : The asset name. You may edit this box directly to change a prop to another kind. Press Enter when finished typing to apply the change.
Position : The world coordinates where it is located. You may edit this box directly. Press Enter when finished typing.
Scale : How big the prop is. You may edit this box directly. Allows decimal values like 0.4 or 1.3. Press Enter when finished typing.
Rotation : The rotation orientation of a prop. While you may edit this box directly for simple rotations (one axis), rotations around multiple axes require use of the build arrows.
Locked : If set to True, this prop cannot be selected by clicking on it. Instead you must use the Scenery Browser to select it. Locking is useful if you find yourself often clicking on the wrong prop and accidentally moving it.
Primary : You can ignore this. It supposedly has something to do with prioritizing loading of props where there is no terrain, presumably intended for dungeon tiles.
Layer : Currently has no use.


Scenery Browser

The Scenery Browser panel.
Command: /sb or /scenerybrowser
Shortcut: Ctrl+F4


This panel allows you to search for nearby props, or filter by name. It is especially handy for finding misplaced or invisible props.


Important! You must be in build mode for this tool to work. Click the Refresh button to see a list of props nearby. Once the list is populated, you may click on a list entry to select that prop. Ctrl+Left Click to toggle multiple props as selected. Click one prop, then Shift+Left Click another to select that and everything in between.

Options and Controls
Refresh : Refresh the list.
Filter : Filter by name. Type something, then press Refresh.
Radius : Filter by unit radius away from the build tool's camera orb. Type something, then press Refresh.
Snap to Floor : All props shown in the browser list will automatically snap their coordinates to the terrain floor. Be careful! It doesn't matter whether you've selected the props or not. You cannot undo any changes performed by this operation.


Browse Spawnables (Creature Browse)

The Browse Spawnables panel.
Command: /cb or /creaturebrowse

Allows you to search for creature types by name. This is useful for finding the Creature ID when creating spawn points.

Options and Controls
Input Box : Type a name here and press Enter to search.
Dropdown List : Usually you can leave this set to -All-. Creatures will filter only objects that have appearances. Spawn Packages currently does nothing. Incomplete Creatures only returns entities that do not have appearances set (commonly unreleased mob entries).
[Create Spawn] : This function is not available to normal players.
[Tweak] : Ignore it. Opens the Creature Tweak panel (beware of the long loading screen). Players must have special permission to actually use this feature.


Grove Tools

The Browse Spawnables panel.
Command: /gt
Shortcut: Ctrl+F5


This panel allows you to set some basic configuration settings of your grove.


Set Starting Location : This button will adjust your grove starting location to your current standing location. You must be in your grove.
Set Environment : First select an environment type from the dropdown list, then click this button to apply it. The environment controls the sky color and lightning. The default grove environment is CloudyDay. You will see the preview immediately, but other players won't see the changes until they re-enter the grove.
Prop Stash : Allows you to build a favorites list of prop asset names. The list of props is stored locally in a cookie.
Set Working Asset : If the build tool is open, it updates the asset to reflect the object selected in the Prop Stash.
Add Working Asset to List : If the build tool is open, the asset name in the tool's input box is added to the Prop Stash.
Remove Entry : Removes the selected Prop Stash entry.
Remove All Entries : Clears the entire Prop Stash.


Prop Search

The Prop Search panel.
Command: /ps
Shortcut: Ctrl+F6


Opens a panel where you can browse prop asset names by category and filter by name.


Search Filter : Type a name here and press Enter (or click Search) to search props by name. The buttons below can be used to view all props of each category, with optional filtering based on the Search Filter.
Prop : All standard Prop assets.
CL : Prefab sets of props which are placed and manipulated as a single entity.
Par : Particle effects that can be placed as props.
Bldg : Buildings and structures. May require ATS customization.
Cav : Dungeon interior cave sections. May require ATS customization. These sections are often designed to fit together with other Cav pieces. Recommended to use the Snap To Grid [G] option when placing them.
Dng : Dungeon interior wall sections. May require ATS customization. These sections are often designed to fit together with other Dng pieces. Recommended to use the Snap To Grid [G] option when placing them.
Set as Current Asset : The selected prop will become the working asset in the build tool.


Prop Generator

The Prop Generator panel.
Command: /pg
Shortcut: Ctrl+F7


This panel allows creation and placement of specialized props that have additional options embedded into their asset name. Use this to place lights, ambient sounds, and environment domes.


Generate Light Asset : Updates the build tool asset with a light emitter.


Dropdown Box: contains a list of emitter sizes, which can help adjust the intensity of the light source.
Color Box: Click to open a color selection panel.

Generate Seeded Asset : Updates the build tool asset with a seeded object, which is a predefined collection of props with randomized locations. Typically useful for filling outdoor areas with random assortments of trees and rocks. The resulting collection can be selected and moved as a single entity.


Template: This dropdown list allows you a template, which determines which kinds of props will be chosen. For example, different kinds of forests with different kinds of trees.
Density: Controls how dense the area will be filled with props. Use 1 for lowest density, 100 for maximum, or anything in between.
Seed: Changing this number will provide a new random collection of props and locations. A specific seed number will always produce the same configuration.
Size: This is how wide the seeded area will cover. It is recommended to keep the size under 1000, as very large values may cause the game to freeze while it tries to calculate everything.

Generate Sound Asset : Updates the build tool asset with a sound object.


Dropdown List: Provides a list of sound effects to choose from. These sounds should be capable of looping, which is replaying itself when the sound effect ends.
Volume: You may change the relative volume here from a range of 1 to 100.

Generate Environment Marker: Updates the build tool with an environment dome asset. Environments control the sky color, fog color, ambient lighting, and ambient sounds and music.


Dropdown List: All the available environments are listed here.

SpawnPoint Sets the build tool asset to SpawnPoint.
PathNode Sets the build tool asset to PathNode.
Spawn Tutorial Opens this reference.


Easy ATS

The Easy ATS panel.
Command: /eats
Shortcut: Ctrl+F8


This panel allows a quick and easy way to change the ATS of certain props. ATS is a customizable skin that can be applied to buildings, dungeon and cave tile pieces (Bldg, Dng, Cav props). Some ATS options are only designed to work with specific props. You may need to experiment to find combinations that work.


Update Asset Name : The selected ATS will be assigned to the current asset in the build tool.

For example, this:
Before Update Asset is applied.

Becomes this:
Before Update Asset is applied.

Apply to Selected Props : All selected props of valid types (Bldg, Dng, Cav) will receive the ATS change. Use the Scenery Browser or click props in the build screen to select them. This action cannot be undone.
Note that ATS-Cave is intended for Cav props, and ATS-Dungeon for Dng props.


Spawn Points

The asset is simple. It is called SpawnPoint

SpawnPoint asset name.

ID, Position, Rotation, Locked, Name, and Layer are all the same as ordinary props. See the descriptions in Manipulating Props if you need a refresher on what those do.


Note: You may only modify one field at a time. You must press Enter after changing each value to send the new data to the server. Otherwise, it won't update.

The following attributes are unique to SpawnPoints:

InnerRadius The minimum distance away from the SpawnPoint that objects will be created. Some quests spawn gatherable flowers or plants around trees. This is accomplished by placing a SpawnPoint inside the tree and setting InnerRadius large enough to extend beyond the tree's edge. Typically used with OuterRadius. You may see a green circle on the terrain around a SpawnPoint indicating how large the radius is.
OuterRadius The maximum distance away from the SpawnPoint that objects will spawn. Spawned objects will be randomly placed somewhere in this circular area. If OuterRadius is shorter than InnerRadius, it has no effect. You may see a green circle on the terrain around a SpawnPoint indicating how large the radius is.
Package The name of the package to use. See Spawn Package for details.
Mob Total Unused by the server.
Max Active Defaults to 1. The maximum number of creatures that may be attached to this spawn point at any one time. The server limits a maximum of 5. If set to zero, creatures will not spawn (this can be useful for triggered summons in a quest).
AI Module Provides an AI script to a mob, or overrides an existing script. Valid scripts are listed here: AI Script List
Leash Length Defaults to 500 (50 meters). This is the maximum distance a creature may stray from its SpawnPoint while chasing foes. If a creature exceeds this distance, it will abort its attack and return to its origin location. If set to zero, the creature may follow its target indefinitely (not recommended).
Loyalty Radius Defaults to 0 (10 units = 1 meter). If an idle creature is attacked, all other idle creatures within this radius will be prompted to retaliate against the instigator.
Wander Radius Defaults to 0 (10 units = 1 meter). This is the distance away from the SpawnPoint that idle creatures will wander. Wandering creatures will select random locations within this radius and walk there, then repeat with another random location. Wandering creatures will ignore scenery and walk through it.
Despawn Time Defaults to 150. The number of seconds that must pass before a new spawn is generated to replace a dead creature.
Sequential Used only for instance scripts. If set to True, the server will run a scripted event when the creature is killed (for example, spawning a boss chest or a warp portal object).

Here's what the info panel looks like in game:
SpawnPoint allows many expanded options not available to normal props.


Spawn Packages

Packages contain a list of one or more creatures, and a relative chance to spawn them. When a SpawnPoint generates a spawn, it selects a random creature from the list.

Predefined spawn packages are loaded into the server and cannot be created except by request. They are referenced by their name.

Instead of using a predefined list, you can notify the server to look for the spawn details within the package name itself. You do this by using a package name that begins with #, followed by some optional modifier characters, and ending with an ID number of the creature type to spawn.

You can obtain the creature type ID by using the Creature Browser (type /cb) and searching for creatures by name.

A Quackatrice (Level 39) has an ID of 754. To spawn one, enter the following as a package name:

Creatures spawned in this manner will usually default to hostile, unless their creature type is explicitly defined otherwise. There are modifier attributes, used by inserting certain characters after the '#' sign, but before the number.


Attribute Description Example
F Spawn as Friendly (green name). Most interactible townsfolk spawn friendly by default. This also grants NPC invulnerability, and cannot be damaged by mobs. #F754
N Spawn as Neutral (yellow name). Will not aggro unless attacked. #N754
A Spawn as Allied. Will aggro against hostile mobs. Unlike 'F', they are not invulnerable and will receive damage from mobs. #A754
E Spawn as Enemy. Hostile to players. This can be used to force neutral or some normally friendly NPCs to be hostile. #E754
M Show Melee weapon in hand. Only works on Player Museum characters. Has no effect on ordinary mobs. Has no effect on combat. Can be used in addition to other modifiers. #FM754
R Show Ranged Weapon in hand. Only works on Player Museum characters. Has no effect on ordinary mobs. Has no effect on combat. Can be used in addition to other modifiers. #FR754
H Hide from minimap. Only supported in client versions later than 0.8.6. #HE754

Here's what it looks like in-game:

SpawnPoint hostile object

SpawnPoint friendly object


Path Nodes

Path nodes are invisible, stationary props that can be used to form patrol points for spawned creatures. To create them, enter PathNode in the asset box. Like SpawnPoints, PathNodes are only visible in build mode.





Creating Patrol Points

Props can be mutually linked to other props. If a SpawnPoint is linked to a prop (such as a PathNode), the spawned creature will randomly walk back and forth along any linked paths.

To managed linked props, select two props (hold shift while left-clicking to select another) and use the following keys (must be in build mode):
P - Links the props with a patrol link (blue line). Recommended!
L - Links the props with a standard link (purple line). Not recommended.
U - Removes a link.

Any individual prop may be linked to multiple props, up to 11.


A patrol in action. You may need to refresh the spawn point by editing one of its properties. Even if the value itself hasn't changed, the server will receive the edit request and refresh its attached spawns.
