Valkal's Shadow Maintenance Release 11

The TAW team are pleased to announce the next maintenance release, R11. This release is the first under a new testing regime, in an attempt to address some quality issues we have had. Liska Quicksilver is now our QA lead, and has coordinated testing of this release in his new role with care and attention.

This a bumper release, with 20 issues addressed. Highlights include several nasty problems fixed with the Valkal fight, Grove editing is back, Book Crafting is now complete and safe to use, and a lots of player reported bugs.

Thanks for all involved, including everyone who reports bugs, you are really helping us out!

PS: I'm sorry if you were booted off of the server with no announcement. This was due to a mix up with the hostnames.


Em and the team

Releases Notes for Valkal's Shadow R11.2

There was a mistake in Mushroom Isle quests that meant we needed a quick hotfix in the starter island.

Releases Notes for Valkal's Shadow R11.