Introducing the EE-TAW Team
We are but a small team made up of a few surviving players from the previous iterations of Earth Eternal, some of whom have been around from near the very beginning. Because of this, we have developed a passion for the world of Earth Eternal and want to see it live on.
First and foremost is that those of us involved are not doing this for profit. Earth Eternal - The Anubian War is a hobby project for all of us. As such, while some of you might be inclined to want to support our efforts financially, we will have to politely decline as we are not doing this for anything other than our love for the game itself. Although we are indeed striving to make this iteration of Earth Eternal a professional looking game, none of us are doing this full time. We all have real lives to get on with; but, we believe each of us has something to bring to the table to fix this charming, yet historically broken, game and we want to share the results of our work with you!
So without further ado, we introduce to you our hard working developer team.
The Developer Core Team
Emerald Icemoon

Emerald is, ahem, ancient, having been playing Earth Eternal since the days of Sparkplay Media's closed beta. Having also run the ArmourEE Wiki, she is now the main administrator and programmer for our efforts here at The Anubian War. Many of the new features seen in both our 'classic EE' server, Valkal's Shadow, as well The Anubian War itself are largely Emerald's work. She is also the owner of all web domains and game servers run by the TAW Team. It can be said with assurance that Emerald is, in many ways, the heart of The Anubian War project itself!
Heathendel Dustrunner

Another long time player, 'Heath' is perhaps the glue that kept things going even during the mostly 'dead' times near the end of Planet Forever. He is now in charge of all gameplay and content design and is the evil brain behind The Anubian War storyline itself. When things slow down, Heathendel has been one of the two driving forces that keeps the rest of us moving forward!
Liska Quicksilver

Liska is perhaps the most ancient player of us all, having found Earth Eternal during its earliest days when EE itself was still under the banner of Iron Realms Entertainment and more a concept than an actual game. Dubbed 'The Loremaster' sometime during Planet Forever, he could be considered the game's unofficial historian. With this background, Liska is our primary lore writer and the go-to person when it comes to certain bits of knowledge regarding Earth Eternal, it's history or it's game lore. Liska also runs the EE Discord server created for the game by Shadrel and is often regarded as the 'face' of The Anubian War due to his activity there. When things slow down with the team, Liska often proves to be the other driving force that keeps the rest of us going!
Rozene Kitsune

Another veteran of Earth Eternal, Rozene has played as far back as the Sparkplay days. They reappeared during the latter days of Planet Forever and was among those who got hold of the PF assets when they were released to the public. Using these, Rozene became the admin for the EE private server Earth Eternal Reboot for a time before later being recruited to the team here at The Anubian War. As one of the newer members of the TAW team, Rozene carries the skills from their time running EE Reboot to assist in expanding the game in its new direction while also learning new things from the rest of the team.
TAW Volunteers And Helpers
While our core team has been busy with keeping Earth Eternal alive, a number of players have also contributed their time with additions and features that have helped to enrich the game. The most notable are listed below:
Heroic Bunny

Heroic is a mostly quiet and solitary Beast who prefers hiding in their grove. Much a Hermit like Rictar was, Heroic is one of our top Creature Tweakers who has produced many fan made armor sets in the past beginning during Planet Forever's run. Heroic continues this off and on here at The Anubian War and their contributions are appreciated.
Temrin Sanjem

Temrin Sanjem is one of the oldest players of Earth Eternal as well as one of the more well known, having been the Clan Leader of the clan The Furry Group for nearly the entirety of the Sparkplay Open Beta and even reprising that role during Iki/EER. Being quite the artist, Temrin has occasionally offered their services to us here at The Anubian War, particularly in regards to our 'classic EE' expansion, Valkal's Shadow.
Spectre Husky

Another long time veteran of Earth Eternal, Spectre is a player who likes to mix things up often creating multiple alternate characters to play as. During Planet Forever, he made major contributions to the game as one of our top Creature Tweakers, particularly in regards to the addition of Pets to the game, as well as creating a few of the creatures found in the Grunes Tal region. Although mostly inactive here at The Anubian War, it is hoped Spectre will pick up where he left off and create more creatures and pets for players to enjoy.
Shadrel Foxen

Shadrel is a long time player who enjoys helping other players and getting involved in various events. While Shadrel is not much of a content creator and doesn't really prefer the spotlight, his biggest contribution was the creation of TAW's Earth Eternal Discord server which he ran for a good while before handing control of it over to Liska. It is Shadrel's contribution that helps to keep the EE community together even if it isn't on the game servers themselves. He is often online on Discord, so feel free to say 'hi'!
Sharlexia Sunpaw

One of our two newest Contributors here at The Anubian War, Sharlexia is also perhaps the newest player of Earth Eternal itself to join the team having only played the game on our servers starting with The Scourge Of Abidan. Although Sharlexia is fairly new to the game compared to the rest of us, this does not mean they do not possess the talents to help. In fact, Sharlexia has offered their skills in Blender to help rework many of the game's creature and prop models in the hopes of greatly improving on what currently exists. Sharlexia's efforts are expected to be coupled with Horsey's talents in order to help us improve Earth Eternal for the better. Sharlexia is also one of the EE Discord's Moderators, so, do say 'hi' if you see them online.

One of our two newest Contributors here at The Anubian War, Horsey is, like most of us, a long time player, having originally played Earth Eternal during Sparkplay's early days. Recently returning to the game during The Scourge Of Abidan, Horsey quickly became interested in our efforts at keeping the game alive. As it turns out, Horsey has shown talents in writing and has offered an extensive critique of both the game's Lore along with much of the in-game storylines as a whole. Because of this, Liska has expressed keen interest in Horsey's efforts. These same efforts are expected to be coupled with Sharlexia's talents in order to help us improve Earth Eternal for the better. Horsey is also one of the EE Discord's Moderators, so, if you see them online, do say 'hi'.
Past Contributors
Listed below are those individuals who have dedicated their time to assisting everyone here at The Anubian War in one way or another, but have since either moved on or have simply become inactive and are no longer contributing to the project: This by no means indicates that recognition should be ignored as they have still helped to shape the game. It is also entirely possible that some of them will once again offer their talents at some point in the future.
Rictar Gasper

Rictar was our resident Grove Hermit and long time player from as far back as the early Sparkplay Open Beta. Beginning in Planet Forever, this reclusive rodent would often be found standing on a rock in his grove while dreaming up new crazy ideas for things to build. With such skills, Rictar became one of our primary world builders and often helped Heathendel create new areas and tested quite a bit of content. One of the TAW Team's original members, Rictar has since moved on, leaving Earth Eternal behind. He can sometimes still be found visiting our servers, but, has indicated it is more to chat than anything else. Still, Rictar contributed quite a bit to our project and we are grateful for the things he worked on while with us.
Rivers Slypaw

An old beast that's been around since from Sparkplay's open beta, Rivers made it to level 53 before the servers closed. Later on, Rivers also managed to be the first player to hit the Planet Forever hard cap of level 55 and the only one to do so twice over. Rivers has made a few contributions to the game during Planet Forever as a Creature Tweaker, particularly in regards to armor sets.This pinchet for designing equipment of any type allowed him to also act as a content designer for various armor or weapon rewards. Rivers has been mostly inactive of late, yet it is hoped he will return and contribute more here at The Anubian War.
For credits to other historical contributors to the Earth Eternal world, see our Acknowledgements page.