Submitted by emerald on
Hello Beasts!
It's been a long time coming, but the new Game Key Registration System is ready and live. This will once and for all remove all the issues we have with the current manual system, as is painfully evident in recent events.
The new way of doing things has the following advantages ..
- First of all, it removes the main source of the problem, Me. I am no longer required to generate key lists for the sages to give out in my abscence.
- We no longer have limited batches of keys to give out.
- No longer any need to wait for your keys, which could have been anywhere between a minute and month, or more ... New players can get access to the game as soon as they have downloaded their client and filled in a small form.
- Easier on our Sages. They have enough else to do, this removes a burden.
So apologies to all who have been waiting .. and waiting for keys. It won't happen again!
New Players
If you are a new player looking to play on our current live server, The Scourge Of Abidan, your instructions are now :-
- Download and install the client, don't start it up yet.
- Register up for an account on this site. This gives you access to our forums and other members only areas.
- Use the Request Key button on your Account page and enter the details your are asked for (which will consist of a separate Game Username, Game password and Default Grove).
- Start up the client and use the username and password from step 3 above when prompted to login.
Existing Players
If you currently have an account on The Scourge Of Abidan server, you can link it to your website account. At the moment this doesn't offer any immediate advantages, other than somewhere safe to store your key, but in the future you will will be required to use this to do password resets and other account maintenance.
Your instructions are slightly different :-
- If you haven't already done so, Register up for an account on this site. This gives you access to our forums and other members only areas.
- Use the Link Account button on your Account page and enter the details your are asked for, which will be your existing Game Usernameand Game password.
- The server will validate your credentials and add your key to your key list in the Account page.