Chat Channels

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Chat Channels

Double click a channel to edit it, select a color, then click Apply Color. The chat box will not refresh until a chat message is displayed, or you scroll through the chat history. If you like it, save the changes and they will be restored when you next log in. They are stored in a cookies file within the client's cache folder.


The following chat channels are default in the client:

*SysChat [SysChat] message.
Default Not sure if used.
Err Not sure if used.
Info Not sure if used.
Sys Not sure if used.
ch/ Private chat channel, when using /join and /leave
clan [Clan] chat.
conBlue Unknown or no longer used.
conBrightGreen Unknown or no longer used.
conBrightPurple Unknown or no longer used.
conDarkGreen Unknown or no longer used.
conGrey Unknown or no longer used.
conLightGreen Unknown or no longer used.
conOrange Unknown or no longer used.
conPurple Unknown or no longer used.
conRed Unknown or no longer used.
conWhite Unknown or no longer used.
conYellow Unknown or no longer used.
emote Text is converted to emotes and not visible.
err/ Standard red error message.
external.wink Not used.
friends Blue friend login/logout and status notification.
gm/ [EarthSage] chat.
mci My incoming damage.
mco My outgoing damage.
oci Other player incoming damage.
oco Other player outgoing damage.
party Standard blue [Party] chat.
rc/ Standard gray [Region] chat.
s Local /say chat.
sys/ Yellow system information messages.
t/ Incoming [Tell] message.
tc/ [Trade] chat.
yt/ Outgoing "you tell" message.

Further Customization

Some messages come across with other information embedded into the channel name. In these cases it is possible to customize colors for specific things.

To utilize these custom colorings, instead of double-clicking a channel in the list, type a new one into the input box, select a color, then click Apply Color. A new channel entry will be added to the list.

Custom coloring of all private chat channel messages in the channel named "test". Other channels are not affected.

t/"Some Player"
Custom coloring for incoming /tell messages from the character name "Some Player". The quotation marks are required. Incoming /tell messages by other players are not affected.

yt/Some Player
Custom coloring for outgoing /tell messages to the character name "Some Player". In contrast to above, quotation marks are not used. Outgoing /tell messages to other players are not affected.