
Fan Made media or article.

Video - How to Download and Install Earth Eternal (SPM)

This fan made video tutorial essentially showed players how to download and install Earth Eternal on their computers during the Sparkplay days. This video has been placed here for archival purposes only as it is one of the few surviving pieces of documentation regarding technical details of the original game. Don't bother following the directions as they are LONG defunct! Still, it's a valuable piece of EE history.

Video - Earth Eternal - HACKING Tutorial by Vixus Snowpaw

Before you ask, no, this is not a REAL hacking video tutorial. What it was, was a video tutorial by player Vixus Snowpaw illustrating the consequences of players who might attempt to hack Earth Eternal during the Sparkplay days. In short, if you try to hack the game, you would eventually get caught and likely banned from the game by the Sparkplay devs and mods. This video was essentially Vixus' friendly reminder to the players of Earth Eternal to play honestly and fairly with other players of the game so that everyone has enjoyment and fun.

Video - Earth Eternal - Chat Tab Tutorial by Vixus Snowpaw

This was a fan made video turtorial by player Vixus Snowpaw on the various parts of the Chat Tab window in Earth Eternal during the Sparkplay days. Surprisingly, as our servers currently use the old Sparkplay UI, this video still has relevance! This may or may not change in The Anubian War, though, so stay tuned! Until then, feel free to utilize the information in Vixus' video if you like!

Video - Earth Eternal - Armor Refashioning Tutorial by Vixus Snowpaw

This was a fan made video tutorial by player Vixus Snowpaw on how to refashion armor in Earth Eternal during the Sparkplay days. While this method of refashioning has always been reliable in every version of Earth Eternal, starting with the Planet Forever server, we have had other methods of refashioning in addition to this 'classic' way. As such, this video is still very much relevant even in our versions of EE.

Video - Earth Eternal - Crafting Tutorial by Vixus Snowpaw

This was a fan made video tutorial by the player Vixus Snowpaw involving how to craft equipment from armor or weapon plans in Earth Eternal during the early Sparkplay days. While this method of crafting is still somewhat relevant even in our Earth Eternal versions, much has changed since this video was made. Even still, it is a nice brief walkthrough and piece of EE history.

Video - Wake Me Up When This Beta Ends

This fan made...erm "video" and song is a parody of Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and was created by the player Zod Deepfury late in the Sparkplay days. Ironically, barely a few weeks after this song was posted on the EE forums, Sparkplay Media announced it's demise due to bankruptcy. This song was in many ways a not-so-kind criticism of how bad Earth Eternal had been getting during the last few patches of the Sparkplay days. It gained a bit of popularity with players due to many shared sentiments of that time.


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