Return to Earth Eternal Official Lore
A great shadow fell upon the Earth with the victory of the Bloodkin. The remnants of Shabaka’s forces fled in all directions, sowing chaos, death, and discord amongst any Beasts they crossed paths with in their mad flight, Vinga began making plans to establish himself as a veritable god on Earth. He sent the strongest and swiftest of the Elder Bloodkin to hunt down the remaining Undead that had escaped his wrath; meanwhile, the lesser vampires were turned loose upon Europe. They gorged themselves on the Beasts of the forests and villages. Only those Beasts in the cities that escaped destruction during the Primal War were safe from the Vampiric predations, and even there people whispered of shadows in the night and dark terrors who stole away any who ventured away from the light.
Soon enough, the Archlich Abidan had learned of Shabaka’s defeat. His rage was deep, but so was his fear, for he knew that if he had not been too proud to sully himself with battle and face Vinga himself, the outcome may have been quite different. In truth though, Abidan had grown quite fearful of Vinga. Having slain Abiel with the aid of his sons and Shabaka in single combat, it was possible that Vinga rivaled his own power now. He feared the consequences of reporting failure to his master, Salamanzar.
Abidan resolved to make a final attempt on Vinga’s life. He would convince Salamanzar himself to lead the remaining armies of Sheol against the Blood Kingdom. No matter Vinga’s power, none who walked the earth were a match for the might of the Protolich.
When Abidan approached Salamanzar with his plan, the Protolich scorned him for his failure. Salamanzar would not lead Abidan’s quest for revenge. Abidan gnashed his teeth in frustration and begged for an explanation. Salamanzar, it seemed, had been busy for centuries exploring the UnderRealm and making preparations for a great undertaking. He had long since sensed the presence of another realm of great power, and intended to find it and harness whatever power he might find there. He hoped to use the additional strength to ensure that when he moved against the Overworld, there would be little question as to his swift and sure victory.
Recently, in the deepest places of the Earth, where even the darkest and strongest spawn of evil hesitate to tread, Salamanzar had found what he sought: An ancient portal from the Lost Ages, leading to the realm he had sensed. He would leave very soon to explore this new realm and enslave whatever powers he could find there. Abidan was to remain behind and begin raising another army. The recent events had depleted the population of the UnderRealm, having first lost the Vampires and then broken their remaining forces in the war that followed.
With that, Salamanzar set out accompanied by a small contingent of liches. They ventured through the curious and ominous portal to discover whatever they would on the other side. Upon arriving within the new realm, they found themselves on a high plateau and were immediately assaulted by the smell of sulfur and brimstone. Lakes of fire and mountains of ash belching molten rock surrounded them, and the sky was black with roiling clouds of smoke.
Many strange and terrible beasts were to be seen in the plains and valleys rolling with fire, and they were attacked frequently. Salamanzar and his lich‐sons destroyed rabid packs of Woe Jackals, and the Beast‐like Izariel. They destroyed four‐armed hulking monstrous Reavers and fought against magic‐using demons called the Rum’el. They learned that they were in the realm called Hell, ruled by great powers that served no one but themselves.
Salamanzar in his pride could never have imagined that the Beasts had been here first when the Thunder God Thor led the smith Regnin here to learn the secret of forging dragonsteel. He learned of Dagon, King of Hell, who ruled from his Inferno Fortress and of the great Princes and Dukes under him.
Salamanzar rejoiced, for his creator, the Dark God Djall, had whispered to him of this place, and there was indeed great power to be found there. The power of Dagon and the Lords of Hell must be added to that of the Protolich’s.
The Demon Prince
Finally, after Salamanzar had journeyed for many days he came upon a great pavilion near a lake of fire. Seated on a throne of black rock was a giant, terrible fiend with skin the color of burned flesh and eyes that smoldered like rotting embers. Perhaps it would be the most powerful victim Salamanzar had yet destroyed in this realm of Hell. The creature slowly raised his eyes to Salamanzar, as though waking from a deep sleep, and the red embers seemed wary and confused for a moment.
When he spoke, his voice was soft as death’s whisper: “You find yourself in foreign lands, spawn of Djall. I am Mammon, a prince of this realm, and you were foolish to have come here. If you are seeking power, you have found it.”
Salamanzar laughed the laugh of one whom has never known his better and replied, “My Dark Lord told me of this place. He has foreseen my conquest of your brethren, that you may serve him through the power your destruction will grant me.”
Mammon merely gazed at Salamanzar with his burning eyes and replied, “We too once knew of Djall, but even Ur, the Father of my Lord Father Dagon proved mightier than he. Your God will fall and Dagon will take his place.”
With that, Mammon raised himself up off of his ashen throne, and brandished a great blade of fire-made‐solid. He held it almost casually, and awaited the Protolich’s approach. Salamanzar faced him without fear, for he had never been given cause to feel it except in the presence of his Dark God. Perhaps fear may have saved him.
The two titans rushed at each other in a flurry of strength and magic, but it was Salamanzar who fell that day in Hell. Though he was perhaps Mammon’s equal elsewhere, in Hell itself this Demon Prince overmatched him. In Hell, the blood of Dagon is magnified as the rays of sun through a lens and all who oppose it must despair.
Thus was the end of Salamanzar, first child of Djall on Earth and father of the Undead.
Time passed. Abidan awaited some word from Salamanzar and kept a close watch on the strange portal but no message was forthcoming. After a time, Abidan began to fear the worst. Had his creator met an even stronger being that had killed or enslaved him? It seemed unthinkable that any could match the Protolich in power save the Gods themselves.
Soon, small groups of Woe Jackals began wandering through the portal. These were unintelligent beasts, but dangerous, and Abidan quickly put them down. With each passing day more and more found their way through. Abidan suspected that someone was trying to test the strength of those across the portal. Having had no word yet from the Protolich and rapidly losing hope, Abidan decided to seal the portal. Better to anger Salamanzar than risk the invasion of a powerful enemy with the UnderRealm in its weakened state.
Abidan summoned the greatest wizards among his lich‐brothers and together they closed the strange portal, caused a collapse of the tunnels leading to the depths of the UnderRealm and declared that Salamanzar was gone, never to return. He then named himself Metalich and seized control of all Undead remaining in the UnderRealm. Though he tried to make contact with Djall, he did not know how Salamanzar spoke to Djall, nor had he ever had direct contact with the God. His insistent pleas simply echoed off the cavern walls of Golgotha and for a great deal of time, the Undead of the UnderRealm disappear from all knowledge.