Return to Earth Eternal Official Lore
Preparation for War
The new kingdom was divided into seven sections and each Mystarch took control of the region nearest to his or her own people, but for Zahhak who ruled over the others from their Alpine fortress. Despite this return to the lands of their youth, the Mystarchs found no welcome homecoming upon their arrival in their appointed regions. Word of Zahhak’s cruel and dismissive rule had spread throughout all of Europe and the Mystarchs, once widely viewed as noble protectors of the land and people, were now seen as the vassals of a mad overlord. Still, the nations were obedient, if grudgingly, for they had experienced the power of the Mystarchs in the noon sun of their power.
With each passing month, Zahhak’s demands became stricter and more absurd. By law, all public talk by state officials was ordered to be of the upcoming “War with the Shadow.” Each Beast was asked to sacrifice his freedom and happiness for the safety of the world, and told that not doing so was a crime against all Beasts everywhere. Secret tribunals and private enforcer squads were formed, and anyone suspected of being a dissident to the new order simply vanished or worse. The smiths and forges worked around the clock to produce weapons and machines of war for the upcoming war, which even the opponents of the Mystarch rule granted was of grave concern.
All Beasts without a trade to benefit the war effort were forcibly drafted into Zahhak’s private armies and sent far from their homes for rigorous, and often fatal, training. Females of childbearing age were expected to be pregnant with new young for the war effort as often as possible, and those who spoke out against such demands were brutally shown the error of their ways.
Appeals to the other Mystarchs fell on deaf ears, for they were firmly in Zahhak’s grasp. Emissaries from the people, lamenting the plight of their fellow Beasts were ignored or imprisoned. The once‐great reputation of the Mystarchs had become a distant memory. Eventually, many gave up hope of reasoning with them. Mutterings of revolt and violent revolution were heard in the night, and in the back rooms of taverns. Zahhak’s private enforcers redoubled their efforts to root out any dissension but a righteous idea is hard to extinguish and all love their freedom. The rule of the Mystarchs had become worse than the threat of the Shadow in the minds of so many Beasts.
Soon, talk gave way to action. The Dog Soldiers of Amizeh, Jezebel’s territory and homeland, erupted into revolution, striking down those of Zahhak’s army that had oppressed them. Their victory was short‐lived. Zahhak’s orders to Jezebel were swift and merciless. He sent a contingent of his private army to Amizeh, and with their assistance Jezebel made an example of her fellow Dog Soldiers, brutally crushing the rebellion and putting one in two to death.
This atrocity did not have its intended effect, however. Instead, it unleashed a pent‐up torrent of anti‐Mystarch sentiment that had been largely hidden and suppressed until now. If their lives were to be miserable, short, and ended for speaking out, why should they fight for the world? What joy in living was there to be found in Zahhak’s kingdom?
Revolution Re‐Ignited
Two years after the first Dog Soldier rebellion, Amizeh flamed into revolution once again, but this time they did not stand alone. The proud Tauranians, ashamed that Zahhak was one of their race, joined the Dog Soldiers as did the wild Broccan clans of the Scotian Highlands and, surprising all with their fierce resolve, the Bounders of the Emerald Kingdom.
Acting swiftly before Zahhak might be alerted, squads of Bounders made the short trip by boat to the Scotian Highlands and there rendezvoused with war parties from the Broccan clans. Replete with mages and druids as well as warriors, they journeyed south with all speed and soon tracked down and subdued Macha. Many died, for even a lone Mystarch was nearly a force of nature, but the Beasts had nothing to lose now. They fought like ones possessed, incensed by years of brutal domination.
The Tauranians attacked the Feline capital of Hayasa, and similarly captured Nefritari. Finally, the Dog Soldiers used trickery to surprise the unsuspecting Jezebel in her sleep and took their vengeance for their slaughtered friends and family. She survived the night as a valuable political prisoner, but bore the scars of her punishment until she was lost to history.
With three of the seemingly all‐powerful Mystarchs in the hands of friendly Beasts, the other regions were spurred into action. The whole of Europe rose up in defiance of the Mystarchs’ rule, starting with the Anura whose sudden defiance took Tarchon by surprise, and caused him to be the next to fall.
Zahhak Subdued
Chaos reigned supreme, and in the ensuing confusion a strong and purposeful army from several nations struck into the heart of Europe. In a decisive and bloody battle, they defeated the private Mystarch army and captured Zahhak. With his mystical power blocked by arcane shields, Zahhak’s control on the minds of the other Mystarchs was lifted.
They were sick with guilt over what they had done. Al‐Idrisi, realizing that he could never live amongst the Beasts again, used his arts to leave the known world and disappear. The next morning, Jezebel’s cell was found empty. Most Beasts believe that Al‐Idrisi had finally mastered boundless teleportation, and used it to rescue Jezebel and escape.
The Trial of the Mystarchs
With Europe in turmoil, Jezebel and Al‐Idrisi vanished, three of their number still captured, and the full guilt of their actions weighing upon them, the remaining Mystarchs surrendered and gave themselves up to the Beasts, hoping for mercy. They were given communal trials by a committee made of representatives from all the Beast nations, and led by the legendary Solomon, a Hart.
For three months, evidence was presented and the charges were examined. The Mystarchs were each allowed to speak in their own defense. Most sat sullenly and said nothing, though Zahhak seethed and spat obscenities when his turn came. Jarnsaxa was the only Mystarch who spoke at length, and told the tale of the Dor’kana and Zahhak’s mind magic. In the end, there were two classes of punishments handed out: Tarchon and Macha would be executed for their initial support of Zahhak’s plan, along with Zahhak himself. Nefritari, Jarnsaxa, and Heraclitus would be exiled to the ends of Earth, with death as the punishment for their return.
The exiled trio took their leave the same day, and left the lands of the Beast Kingdoms separately under guarded escort, to wander the Earth. Many swore the stink of their shame could still be smelled days later.
The morning of the scheduled executions was a grim one. The sky was overcast, and both Tarchon and Macha sat in their separate cells, contemplating the fate that awaited them. Zahhak, as ever, was mumbling and cursing softly to himself.
Execution Interrupted
As the guards escorted them to the platform where they were to be hung, a low buzzing could be heard and an energy began to crackle in the air around them. With no more warning, a rectangular portal of light slid open next to the prisoners. Macha and Tarchon watched mutely as a trio of Dor’kana leapt out of the portal, slew the guards holding Zahhak, grabbed him, and vanished back into the portal, which snapped closed. Zahhak was lost to them.
The Beasts were outraged that their most sadistic and most hated prisoner had escaped their justice, but there was nothing to be done. The executions of Macha and Tarchon proceeded as planned.
The era of the Mystarchs had come to an end, but questions remained. What were these Dor’kana, and what was their purpose? Were they related to the threat of the Shadow? Why had they assisted Zahhak both by teaching him the mind magic and by rescuing him from execution? What was to be done with the Mysterium Primordial and the Enigma Primal now? Would the Beast Kingdoms remain as one or go their separate way as disparate nations?