Return to Earth Eternal Official Lore
Over the next several years Atan traveled Europe, always arriving with some of his White Shield with him, and always leaving his most advanced pupils behind to continue teaching others. He was hunted constantly by packs of Bloodkin but managed to either stay ahead of them or successfully slay them when he was found. He made contact with the remnants of the Broccans and Harts in Old Anglorum, with the displaced Bounders gathered on the west coast of Europe dreaming of return to the Emerald Kingdom, and with the decimated tribes of Bandicoons in central Europe. He found frightened but determined groups of Anura living here or there hidden in the depths of marshes, and stubborn Capricans and Tuskens in the foothills of the Carpathians themselves, both almost completely wiped out after their unceasing resistance to the Blood Kingdom.
He returned to the Foxen in the former Border Holds where he was given a much warmer welcome this time, for the rumor of the White Shield had spread to all the Beasts of the Covenant by now. Everywhere he went, he left behind pockets of determined resistance. Some of these underground groups were discovered and destroyed by Bloodkin after he left, but others survived, and the White Shield took root and began to grow.
Back to Hayasa
Finally, Atan journeyed back to the wreckage of Hayasa, to reconnect with the first students – all Felines ‐ he had trained. There, he found that those he had left behind had progressed, and recruited more members. Incredibly, the White Shield in Hayasa alone now numbered more than one hundred, but Atan knew it wasn’t enough. To match the Blood Kingdom, he needed an army able to wield physical and magical force with equal ease. Hayasa was a conquered nation, and training an army there was simply not possible.
There was only one place in the former lands of the Beasts of the Covenant where raising and training an army might be possible without attracting undue attention from Vinga in the Starkhold: Taurania. The land held by the Atavians in the southern Tartessian Peninsula was too small to hide an army from the Vampire Palatine, and Midgaard was both too far away and reportedly had its own problems with the Dvergar of Nidavellir.
Once again, repeating his journey of years past, Atan traveled from Hayasa to Taurania, this time with every member of the White Shield that had come with him to old Hayasa and every member therein. Once in Taurania the leaders of the Taurians quickly agreed to support Atan, and a revolution was born.
The word went out, and members of the White Shield slowly, ever so slowly, filtered into Taurania by sea and by land. Many who would join Atan came as well. Old and young, male and female, the Beasts came. Many fell to the Bloodkin on their way there, but for every Beast that was taken, one escaped capture and arrived, ready to fight for freedom for themselves and their fellow Beasts of the Covenant.
They trained, and they drilled. They studied and they sparred. In one year, the White Shield was an army ready to take to battle. Six months later, it was an army honed to a fine edge with which to slit the throat of the Blood Kingdom. They had successfully evaded Vinga’s notice, and were ready to make their fateful move.
The Battle of Talon Point
Rather than try to attack across the Bosporus, Atan and his army struck north, to Hayasa, where for the first time the White Shield faced the Vampires in open warfare. Surprise won the day, for the Bloodkin there were not prepared to face an organized army backed by mages. Hayasa was liberated, and Atan sent messengers out across Europe to spread the news of their victory at the Battle of Talon Point and rally what strength was left in the Beasts of the Covenant.
Events moved quickly now. White Shield agents organized a resistance in Old Anglorum, and soon the Harts and Broccans there were in open revolt, taking and ripping down the Blood Keep on the isle of Avalon where the Bloodkin preyed upon them from. The Lisian‐ aided Atavians launched a last‐ditch assault on the Vampires sieging them and managed to reverse the momentum of the war, pushing the Vampire lines back for the first time in the previous two centuries, though Argantonio, last heir to the throne of old Tartessos, perished in the battle.
Vinga Reacts
Lord Vinga, first of the Vampires, was not idle in his Starkhold Fortress, deep in the Carpathian Mountains. He knew his Bloodkin legions faced a foe who could wield arcane power for the first time since they had defeated the Undead forces of Shabaka, and that he had made a mistake in not rooting out this White Shield earlier. He was determined to correct that error immediately, and ordered the bulk of his strength to be sent to Old Anglorum, Tartessos, and Hayasa, to quell the rebellions before they spread, and find, capture, or kill Atan.
The Pendulum Swings Back
His actions were as a pendulum, and Atan took advantage of the swing of Vinga’s attention to the outer parts of the Blood Kingdom’s conquered lands. He marched his army back to Taurania, and crossed the Bosporus rather than take the expected route north around the Black Sea. Atan had gained a foothold in Europe, and the nearby Noctari rose against their conquerors just before the White Shield marched to Mt. Olympus to free them. Their timely rebellion paved the way for a relatively easy victory for Atan.
Next were the Fangren of ruined Roma, who took to hunting down the fleeing Vampires with a passion that was fearsome to behold. Lord Vinga was forced to consolidate, recalling his armies from the far reaches of his Kingdom to protect the heart of it – the Carpathians and their surroundings. He would not suffer armies of Beasts in the Carpathians again. With the recall of Bloodkin forces from the outer reaches of the Blood Kingdom’s boundaries, Old Anglorum and the remains of the nations of the Atavians of Tartessos, the Felines of Hayasa, the Noctari of Olympus, and the Fangren of Roma had been effectively freed from the Blood Kingdom’s dominion.
The White Shield had proven itself in battle against the Bloodkin over and over, and for every Beast they lost, two were ready to sign up and be trained in the arts of battle, the secrets of magic, or both. Many Druids of the time joined as well, seeking to augment their now‐meager nature mysticism with the power of arcane magic.
The nations still captured inside the Blood Kingdom – the Bounders, the Capricans, the Tuskens, the Bandicoons, the Anura, the Foxen, and many of the roaming Longtails – periodically revolted, but Vinga’s power was concentrated enough now that his forces were able to put these down, as brutally as possible. Only the Treekin of the Great Forest and the Beasts that had taken shelter there before its borders were closed remained free of Vampire dominion, but no news had passed out from the Treekin realm in two thousand years. The Blood Kingdom’s borders were shrunken, but still far beyond what they were at the beginning of the Bleakness.
For a decade more, Atan and his White Shield fought against the Vampires. The lines waxed and waned, and heroes fought and died in the cause of freedom from the Vampires, but twenty years after Atan returned from the Lands of the Morning with the secrets of magic, it was clear that the Beasts could make no more progress against the Blood Kingdom. Atan was a mighty sorcerer now, able to stand one‐on‐one with a Vampire Mage and live, and the most skilled of his disciples had barely less mastery than he.
Yet, the Bloodkin were fearsomely strong and were able to renew their unskilled front‐ line soldiers somewhat with captured Beasts sucked dry of will at the same time they were drained of their life’s blood. And then there were the Merihim, hulking giants of Vampires able to rip the head off a Beast with its bare hands. Many a battle had been won for the Bloodkin when the Beast lines crumpled before an onslaught of rampaging Merihim.
The Blood Kingdom’s dominion had been reduced, but Vinga had lost none of his potency, and Atan and the White Shield, now composed of multiple armies, lacked the might to contain the Bloodkin any further than they had. The war was at a standstill, but all feared that it was only a matter of time until the Blood Kingdom massed the power to launch a new offensive.