Hey there! It's been nearly three years and I never posted an introduction here! I'm Flannel, or Lightning if you prefer. I used to go by Feral- hence the username! I'm 23, male, and use he/him pronouns. I'm an aspiring illustrator currently attending college for the same. I've been playing since the early SPM days, and I've spent most of my time as a lurker due to anxiety, school, and chronic illness. The illness I can't fix, and I'm still in school, but I've learned to (sort of) manage my anxiety, and over the past few years I've been working on actually participating in this community more. It's good to see this game still alive and kicking, and great to see/meet you all again! Feel free to chat at me in-game if you see me, my characters are Lightning King (<-Main) and Greywall Gunman!*
*A note! Myself and all of my characters are male, but I tend to use the female character models because I find the shape of the male models to be slightly too bulky for my tastes. (and I'm a sucker for the broccan ponytail) Please don't call me or my characters female. Thanks!
Hello again, all!
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 22:23
Hello again, all!