Return to Earth Eternal Official Lore
Despite Taurania’s misfortune, many of the nations of Beast now reached their highest achievements in culture and wealth, for peace is good business for all but weapons merchants and blacksmiths. The Dog Soldiers built huge pyramids that were wonders for their immense size, and the Noctari invented entire new styles of architecture. The Bounders on the west coast of Europe and the Capricans now living here and there across the various cities of the Beasts were much in demand as composer and musicians both. The former was beloved for festive and celebratory events, while the Capricans favored grand compositions involving many musicians and complex harmonies.
Midgaard had recovered from its generations of near‐defeat by the Dvergar and were busy engaging each other in mock battles and composing epic poems to heroes from Sigurd to Atan. The Fangren had developed statecraft to an art form, and the Anura, Bandicoons, and Harts were taking Druidic power to new heights.
The Broccan Clans were, like the Ursines of Midgaard, generally pre‐occupied with tests of strength and warcraft but for such a fierce race of Beast they produced a number of notable thoughtful philosophical works of importance. The Felines, who were the first to gain back the gift of magic when Atan returned from the Morning Lands, were the greatest mages among the Beasts of the Covenant and developed many new spells and magical processes.
The Lisians and Atavians maintained their friendship and though the Lisians were not of the Covenant they were warmly welcomed in Europe when the truth of their aid to the Atavians in order to hold back the Blood Kingdom was made known. For the Lisians' part, this represented a renaissance as for the first time in their history they had open traffic with other Beasts. Likewise, the Atavian culture now blended many elements taken from Maraket, the home of the Lisians, and visiting there became the aspiration of many an Atavian. The Longtails, always a joyous race even in times of difficulty, became entertainers of all sorts. They had dancers and illusionists, jugglers and acrobats, and storytellers of great renown.
The Foxen and Tuskens were less fortunate than most of the other races. The Foxen of the Border Holds had long kept watch on the People of the Skull to the east and their rangers reported that the rumors were that the Khan of the Skull Lands would soon strike west, as the Middle Kingdom had stymied the People in the east. The Tuskens, who were spoiling for a fight by nature, joined the Foxen in the Border Holds and helped them train and prepare for a possible invasion. As a result, most of their wealth and energy went into preparations for war rather than the better things in life.
In general then, peace and prosperity reigned throughout Europe and its near environs, aside from the border surrounding the Blood Kingdom in the Carpathian Mountains. The Ursines suffered occasional attacks by the Dvergar, and the Outcast Carrionites and Stone Cats resumed occasional raids on Beasts, but in the grand scheme of things these were minor events, especially compared to the Bleakness, which was now fading into the category of history for most Beasts. Times were good and the legend of Atan, Defender of the Covenant, was revered by every Beast in the land.