Alright, so on the first island, it is all about getting a feel for the basic controls so only the level of the enemies matter.
When switching to the three islands where you spend most of your time building your way to levela10 and 11, there is one glaring issue with the strenght of the forces defending those islands. This immersion breaking roblem of every ally character being level 45. I could easily understand the key leaders being such a high level to reflect thier status, but to have event the lowliest of soldiors who guard the sactuaries being that high of a level kinda demeins the value of such a high level when comaired to how you start.
I understand wanting to discurage Players from attacking NPC Allies, but at the same time there is the power curve of progression.
Event a seemingly small level difference between the Player and a given enemy becomes telling of how much harder and tougher those enemies are. facing an enemy just two levels above your own is very hard and you can expect to die a lot in the attempt.
Since this is more for immersion than actual mechanics, it would be hard to give good level suggestions about how to rescale the NPCs, but I for one think that your character completing all that they do at a significantly lower level than the NPCs you are suppose to be helping leaves me thinking "Why was everyone relying on me when event the nameless guards are so much stronger?" but that is more from the viewpoint of someone who likes to find ways to messure my progress and strength against something within the game.
I know there is probably a lot still going on with how difficult an MMO can be, but this was just one of the details that I noticed and was forced to remember that I'm playing a game.
With all this said, I would like to hear what other in the community think about detail like this, or if there are any other parts of the game world that rub you just slightly wrong and make you step back from laying the game for a moment when it comes up?