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Heathendel2.0 Heathendel2.0's picture

To whom it may concern

Hey everyone so for those of you who dont know our team very well we are a very small but dedicated team of former players.  Were fortunate enough to have a professional programmer at the helm which with out we could make literally none of this possible.  The rest of us are very seasoned with the tools implemented in game for development as well as operating the server essentially basic stuff and busy work so that Emerald can focus her efforts on larger projects that only she is capable of.  

We've done very well in becoming efficient and accomplishing quite a lot if I may say so. However looking forward we are in dyer need of a 3D modeler.  Someone experienced or at least familiar with programs such as Blender.  To make things simpler we only have access to so many assets to work with so moving forward into later expansions we'll need things such as new creature models building models weapon/armor models environment props and much more.  

If anyone is interested in having a game like ours to practice and implement their skills and creations or someone whos just passionate about the game we would be very interested in working with you.