Hey everyone.
While this should have been done awhile back, we felt now was a good time to post this here.
Due to unforeseen circumstances that were beyond our control, both the Anubian War website and Valkal's Shadow game server hosted here are dead in the water. The game server went offline mid-September, but, that is not the end of Earth Eternal.
The short of it is that our admin Emerald has been gone for nearly a full year now, leaving those of us remaining on the team (myself, Zenyatta and Sharlexia) to 'hold the bag' as it were. Problem is, this seeming departure of our admin left us in disarray as we did not have control over the game server or the website at large. Thus we made the decision in the end to salvage what we could and start again elsewhere. It was not a decision made lightly as the future of EE itself and what community is left hung in the balance.
The good news: Earth Eternal is still very much alive and well. It won't die if we can help it and we intend to keep the torch aflame. We've managed to relocate and rebuild the game and it is currently up and running.
The not so good news: When Emerald disappeared, we lost control of the TAW servers completely. This also means we were unable to save the account data that was on that server, forcing everyone to start over from scratch. In addition, all projects such as the Flying Squirrel Update were subsequently lost to us as we did not have access to any builds from that effort.
Anyway, after a bit of a rough start, we were able to set up a new EE-VS server elsewhere. You can now find us at EE's new home here:
https://terra-aeterna.com as well as the EE Discord. Unfortunately, until we get website integration functionality going on the new site, we've been forced to go back to Key Requests for the time being. Rest assured, we'll let you know when this is no longer needed.
That said, we do understand that not everyone is willing to start over from scratch after clawing their way to the top after months or years of play. Again, these things were out of our control and we were forced to either choose to start fresh or allow the game to finally meet its end. We chose to start fresh so that EE is given a new beginning, regardless of the losses incurred by the abrupt relocation.