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Currently this thread is a placeholder and will be updated in a few days, as well as over time as more game content is discovered/released.

Mushrise is meant to be a "joke suggestion" with serious dedication that will, in the text of this thread, remake the Mushroom Isle, Corsica, and Earthrise together with the TAW revamp of those locations into "the best tutorial" for EE ever.

Mushrise will contain features in my suggestions and would require more development, which is why it's more of a "joke" suggestion. Still, these features will feel "proper" in relation to the idea.

Here are some basic changes:

1) Towns have themes. The first town in Corsica will be the first town in Mushrise but will be mushroom-themed and even the buildings will be carved/made out of "giant mushrooms" and the like. The town in the middle of Earthrise will now be covered with cobwebs and completely taken over by spiders.

2) The mage you defeat in the first dungeon and his tower will both be in the first questline and will serve as a proper introduction to what's going on.

Spoilers: You end up on a beach, save a fairy, the fairy tells you she was "grabbed" from her realm by the mage guy who's trying to open a portal to there, you go to his tower, you watch him talk to an Anubian "master" with a "communication orb" and end up killing the mage and destroying his lab, all the research into making a portal to the fairy realm with it which ruins the Anubian's plans. Before the fairy leaves to her realm (portal's closing), she dubs you the Fairy Knight (which will be more important later on; see the book Tom a Lincoln).

Oh, and you're also naked (just kidding, it's only "basic clothes")  with nothing but your bare hands and the in-combat healing spell's first tier. This will make more sense later.

3) Earthend/Southend/whatever is now a full city and the war is happening in a part of the city, mainly at the docks, instead of just the entire (minimized) city. It's also not at THE end; it's more like the middle.

4) To compliment these changes, Mushrise is VERY large but you won't be walking around to random places to get anything done; it'll be more straightforward.

5) The only Anubians on Mushrise are at the capital city. They still have the same importance, but the idea of portals is already explained at the beginning, so the whole portal camp thing is unnecessary.

6) The giant green crystals? They are MUCH smaller and aren't in craters, except for the "main shard" which is still large and still in a crater.

7) The enemy group of the first part of the island is actually a group of mages wanting to use the crystal's power. The conflict surrounding the crystal is much more intense.

Feel free to link me to story details of old/new and revamp tutorials and their maps, etc, and any ideas you have for this.