Possible Bug / Server Problem

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JarredStone JarredStone's picture
Possible Bug / Server Problem

Wish I could report this possible bug but, I am currently unable to do it in the ingame bug reporter. Let me explain:

A friend of mine and me discovered the emote browser and, boy, what a blast we had with that! From anime slow-mo pounces to Garry's mod humour. Sadly, after having some fun, we discovered that you could walk AND emote at the same time. My friend used a spinning animation and told me: "Follow the spinning deer of friendship. To adventure!" and we set to adventure and questing... until a loading screen appeared and kicked both of us. Now, when trying to reconnect, the game tell us that we should turn off our firewalls, like if us or the server has low/any connection.

We don't know if it was coincidence that the server crashed or not. Or even if the server is alright but we aren't. Anyways, in case it was because of the emote spamming, we are terribly sorry. We didn't imagine that XDU