Earth Eternal: Valkal's Shadow

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Heathendel2.0 Heathendel2.0's picture
Earth Eternal: Valkal's Shadow

Hey Folks so were hard at work on the next installment of Earth Eternal which will open up the vampire infested and Swine run land of you guest it Swineland.  Progress is going well but we need your help!! well we'd like to offer an opportunity to help Blum 3 So like a lot of MMOs the loading screen art is usually related to most recent bit of content released in the game and we are no exception.  The Scourge of Abidan is not the name of the game but the name of the Expansion.  The Blood Clans is the same principal.  Although in game art shots can work for things like backgrounds it nice when some nice detailed art it made think of our nice Anubian Friend.  

So heres how you can help! got some talent with a pencil?! try whipping us up a few vampires and even the whole background if your feeling ambitious and if we like it your artwork may be the new face of the server!. I will post pictores of some in game vampires to give inspiration and an idea of what our vampires look like as well as some swineland pic incase your wanting to draw the background Smile if you have any finished work post it so we can see Smile