Last night I was running Wailing Crypt with Church, Stan and Vlad. I'm going to ask this question unto the dev team itself.
What were you guys thinking when you designed it???
I'm going to point out the following. For starters, is set up as a 3 person dungeon. Even with 4 individuals who were well equiped and buffed (at least I hope we were) and at least lvl 46 and over, there is NO way it can be ran with 3 people,....let alone 4. Second, of the concept was to go in with a game plan and use a high degree of teamwork, the overall mechanics does NOT allow for precision to be there. What we found out we were encountering mobs that were aggro'ed through the walls themself. Not only that, there was a degree of lag that we were encountering which was making it a little bit harder. I lost track of how many times we all died. Heck, Church died at almost every mob encounter (sorry Church,....somebody had to say it). With the way how things were going, there was almost no way the dungeon could have been run in a decent amount of time. Nobody should be spending 2 - 3 (or even by the calculations with lag being added) 8 hours in there,.....or even any dungeon / instance for that matter.
Granted, there should be a challenge to any game / instance / dungeon. But in honesty, if it's being set up where it has the possibility of becoming almost impossible to complete in a reasonable amount of time with the suggested party amount and a degree of lag that sets in,.......I think that places like Wailing Crypt should be changed to Failing Crypt.
In essence,......I think scale it back just a bit. Even I had others saying it should be nerfed.