The Windows 10 Mouse POV Problems thread

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LiskaQuicksilver LiskaQuicksilver's picture
The Windows 10 Mouse POV Problems thread

Okay, everyone, here is the deal. As many people have upgraded to Windows 10 by now, this issue is becoming more and more common. Starting here, I'm going to make a list of mice that are known to work and mice that are known to be affected by this issue while playing Earth Eternal.

What I want everyone using the Windows 10 OS to do is reply to this thread with their Mouse's model name, is it wired or wireless, USB or PS/2 and whether they have the POV issue or not. List all mice you have tried. Also if you have multiple PCs and/or laptops, indicate if a model works on one computer, but, not on another. For this situation, list the PC/laptop models as well to give us an idea. As has been noted on the Discord chat, one possible cause might be traced to the drivers by the manufacturers.

The longer this list gets, the better idea we will have of what works with our game and what doesn't. This will hopefully give players current and future an idea as to whether they may or may not have the problem. I will try to keep the thread updated as much as possible.

I'll start things off with my own mice: ASUS gaming laptop: Synaptics PS/2 Touchpad mouse - Affected, HP MSU0923 USB Wired mouse - Affected; Dell Precision PC: Logitech MX518 USB Wired mouse - Not Affected.



Synaptics PS/2 Touchpad mouse

HP MSU0923 USB Wired mouse

Ideapad Touchpad mouse (Lenovo laptops)

Synaptics AW 15 R3 Touchpad mouse

Logitech G700s Wireless mouse

Logitech G502 Wired mouse (may not work on some laptops)

Logitech M215 Wireless USB mouse (tested on HP Omen 2016 laptop)

RedDragon M601 Wired Gaming USB mouse (tested on HP Omen 2016 laptop)

M325 Lenovo Precision Wireless mouse

ASUS K501UW-AB78 laptop touchpad (going to presume it's a Synaptics Touchpad as my laptop is also from ASUS)

CTL-460 Wacom bamboo graphics tablet (I'm going to be honest here, I am not sure EE was meant to run on any tablet as those were either very new or didn't yet exist as we know them today at the time the game came out. Listed here anyway in case some people have been able to play EE on a tablet. This listed one is affected of course.)



Logitech MX518 USB Wired mouse

Logitech Marble USB mouse

Logitech G502 Wired mouse (may work on some desktops)

Razer Naga Hex Wired USB mouse (original version, not the v2 model) (also of note is that this one was tested without running the programmable-buttons custom software for it and has yet to be tested with the software installed)

HP MOGIUO Wired USB mouse