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Heathendel2.0 Heathendel2.0's picture

Its finally come !! Biggrin Valkal's Shadow is coming this weekend. The Servers will be going down Friday the 10th to be updated and Saturday morning The Valkal's Shadow Expansion will be officially open!  To quick off the new expansion we will be hosting an event Saturday Novemeber 11th.  This is an all day event with some big stuff happening some make sure you get signed up and logged in so you can get involved ! The Event will be spilling over into Sunday as well but with most of the major must sees happening Saturday so dont miss it !!

Everyone Earth Eternal member will be receiving a email with more info.  TELL! and bring your friends as well as lots of goodies will be given out to those who are present including exp boosts, credits and unique items and more! This event is for all players however certain parts may be limited for players as Swineland ( the main region in which Valkal's Shadow takes place) is a high level region, there will be lots to do and receive at all levels though!

We want this to be one of the biggest Earth Eternal celebrations ever so help us achieve that goal by poppin in and getting in on the fun!! 

Valkal's Shadow Patch notes

  • Opens up an entirely new region to explore and discover new and exciting advantures.  
  • Swineland offers over 40 new quests multiple dungeons including the infamous Valkal's Bloodkeep
  • A whole new and engaging story line that will take you on a journey through the worn torn country of Swineland where you'll battle the undead, Crime lords and much more.
  • The new and exciting Codex/book system will be feature in Valkal's Shadow.  Search far and wide for pages to lost books.  Untold stories from far reaches of the known world.  Gather all the pages and restore books to receive rewards.
  • Countless new items and gear to help better prepare yourself for your future adventures.
  • all new environments and music for dungeons and the world to give more life to the Anglorum and Europe
  • New transformation mounts ! 


Feel free to post on this thread with any questions and I'll be happy to answer and watch for your email to see what more is waiting for you when Valkal's Shadow lands on November 11th 2017

Courtesy of Heath and the Dev team