OG Player.... Here comes the bacon....

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OG Player.... Here comes the bacon....

Hey everyone,


I was an original EE Beta player, stuck with the game till it caved in. I remember when Ikimongotari came out and despite to the drastic art shift, there were hopes that this awesome game would continue. Alas, it wasn't meant to be... or was it? I had been following previous EE revival forums, but never figured there were private servers up and running. SO once I found this place, I was ecstatic to say the least. It truly shows how dedicate and loyal the EE community was, specially considering the short time it existed. Makes it even more memorable.

For me, EE was my first MMORPG, having stuck mostly to MUDs (Achaea, Lusternia), and to this day (after playing ESO, WoW, FFXIV), feel that the game presented an extremely fresh experience and a unique artistic design. So, I'm very happy to be able recreate my character and revisit the old stomping grounds. I'm thankful for the team that made this possible. However, I do have a small request.....



Can I have my EE Beta Tester helmet and banner back? Lol... The helmet was an intrinsic element of my character. Hahahaha.


My character is Porcinatus Maximoides. Can you guys see the pic I pasted?