Asset files from 086 088 089 (Grethnefar era). Anybody want them?

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Asset files from 086 088 089 (Grethnefar era). Anybody want them?

For a while now I've been able to set up and run a small offline game of EE.

I can play 86 88 and 89 versions sucessfuly, so I know these asset files work.

The 0.8.6 files are version 0.8.6-r12-PF-20150205_2026 I think these are from Greths last online game

The 0.8.8 files are version 0.8.8-r12-PF-20150205_2026 I think these are from when Greth had an 0.8.8 server online.

The 0.8.9 files are a combination of Greths 0.8.8 files and the few 0.8.9 files Greth had and gave away.

Each asset set is basicly a load of files in a directory, I've found that the directory cannot be compressed into a single file (eg: a "zip" file etc.), The total size of each of these asset sets (86, 88 and 89) is aprox 600MB.

I'm not sure how or where to give away these files sucessfuly, sugestions would be useful!