A bit of clarity...

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A bit of clarity...

I'm aware this is just a fan-run operation, and that all the old account data is lost. Also that there is no payment server to allow us to buy any of the old features. However, I'm curious if there is any way to acquire additional skill points? I know I'd dropped about $80 into EE back in its day just buying skill points so I could get my character set up the way I wanted him, is there any way to still get additional skill points beyone the standard leveling up method? Mostly so I can still pick up the healing/restoration/resurrection skills without having to underpower my character in his own class. I already checked the in-game purchase skill points button, and can see it is non-functional, I'm just curious if there is any way to make it work anyways, with or without payment. I think it's cool enough that y'all have resurrected one of my favorite games that I'd be willing to make a donation to the team to get something worked out. Whether possible or not, a reply would be appreciated either way.