Never received the items from the Beta beast box

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Charmly Charmly's picture
Never received the items from the Beta beast box

So I started playing EE about a week ago and when I made my first character I was completely clueless about everything. While trying to figure out how to take the Shroomie's quest I took the quest that gives you the tokens for the Beta beast box. After figuring out how to take quests I deleted the character because I was unsatisfied with its appearance, I never actually completed any quests. Since the quest is a once per account thing and I took the quest, the game now thinks I received the items when I didn't. Would there be any way for me to take the quest again to get the items or no?

I don't know how to prove that this happened other than I have none of these items in any of my characters inventories, so I don't know if that would be an issue.