
Bounders Day

Every year at the start of Spring, the Bounders have long held a festival of fun and frolick that has been passed down from generation to generation. While these days all Beasts of every sort have joined the Bounders in their yearly merrymaking, this festival holds something special for those of the Bounder race itself. While the Longtails are well known for keeping many stories and legends alive for all of Beastdom, the legend of how the Bounders Day spring festival came to be is one story all Bounders know by heart.



The Scourge Of Abidan - Update 160116

The EE-TAW team (previously knows as IceEE team), are happy to announce our latest update. This is primarily a bug fix release, but we also also added two of the Sparkplay Credit Shop sets

Midlands Militia

For full details of each issue, click on the issue number and you will be taken to the GitHub page where you can see the original bug description.

Notable bug fixes include :-

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