
  • Video - Wake Me Up When This Beta Ends

    This fan made...erm "video" and song is a parody of Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and was created by the player Zod Deepfury late in the Sparkplay days. Ironically, barely a few weeks after this song was posted on the EE forums, Sparkplay Media announced it's demise due to bankruptcy. This song was in many ways a not-so-kind criticism of how bad Earth Eternal had been getting during the last few patches of the Sparkplay days. It gained a bit of popularity with players due to many shared sentiments of that time. While harsh in it's message, this song is remembered as laying bare many things players saw as broken with Earth Eternal in Sparkplay's final months.

  • Video - Earth Eternal: Random Clips

    This fan video from the Sparkplay days includes footage of a fight with Priestess Claira in Underhenge, a character jumping off the Eiffel Tower (and surviving), Mushroom Isle content and one of the most complete speed runs of Bastion Island found so far!

  • Video - Livestreamin' With Beau: Earth Eternal

    This hour long livestream video was part of the Livestreamin' With Beau series of videos from It features gameplay from Earth Eternal Reborn around a month after it opened up. Like all reviewers of Earth Eternal though, Beau makes a few erroneous mistakes regarding the game. Even still, to see this much of EER, much less EE itself in any version, in a single video is very rare. Because of this, it makes this video a true gem.

